Unraveling: Opening a knot. Solving and resolving. Throwing into disorder and coming undone.

The three fates, Moirai: The Spinner, the Measurer, the Cutter. This is your part, your merit. 

Cables and fiber optic cables: wavelengths measured, transmitted, received. Cables color coded.

Cable Factory.

A rag rug of experiences, moods that light their context. From afar, colors blend into each other, hold hands, twist into a cable.

Vinski Valos Ryijy Rug Kunsthaus Jägermeister

Unravel, 2024
95 x 195 cm, wool and acrylic yarn on canvas

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Vinski Valos is a visual artist and poet based in Helsinki, Finland.

You can keep up with my art and contact me on instagram
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Hire me for projects or suggest collaboration.